May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022Liked by John Birmingham

Kinda hilarious that these US-trained hard right NeoCons and religious nutbags think they stand for "liberal values".

You know what liberal values actually are? How about:

*liberal democracy not elections corrupted by money and propaganda;

*secularism, not PMs who preach about miracles and support extremists to descriminate against minorities;

*rule of law, not rampant corruption by elected officials;

*freedom of speech, not shouting down those who disagree with you through a proxy media empire, and suing those who whistleblow or tell truths you find inconvenient;

*freedom of the press, not media oligarchy and destruction of the public broadcaster.

And for more information on these people's plan for Australia, search "Be like Gough: 75 ideas to transform Australia".

And as for family/Christian values? How about supporting the poor and needy, uplifting and including the marginalised, and respecting the environment that supports us all and every living thing on this planet.

Go think about that on the Opposition benches you liars and hypocrites.

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I'll bet they don't even stop to consider it. Paraphrasing Bob Dylan " The people that pillage and destroy don't read Alien Sideboob or listen to music" I however think that we could hang a revolution on your words

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A-fucking-men PR.

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by John Birmingham

The poor old rabid right wing Liberals, they have never got over the fact that women are allowed in public houses. Another tacit subject that was dear to their core values, was to have compulsory Gay Conversion Therapy enshrined in the constitution.

Having a prime minister who openly commits Blasphemy, by belonging to a sect whose central tenet is that to be well off financially, means that God or Jesus, take your pick, has blessed you in your the pursuit of mammon. The wretched poor and powerless, those that have been selected to inherit the earth, whats left of it, by Jesus him or herself, are in their station in life by the irrefutable fact that Brian Houston, in his communication with God, has been told that they have low moral, spiritual, and ethical values and are unworthy of divine blessing.

Having just watched our Governor General, the one that the liar from the shire and the GG, David Hurley installing the faithful, he has endorsed the creation of the Australian Future Leaders Program, a political initiative that an apolitical representative of the Queen should not have touched with the proverbial barge pole. The line of prospective Young Liberals, sponsored by Sky After Dark, should stretch from Parrakeelia to Yarralumla.

A adroit move in the dying days of the reich, was to appoint a LABOR !! politician, the ex-member for Brand in WA, Gary Grey, as the Ambassador to Ireland. Grey should be charged in relation to the bugging of the East Timor's government offices, and being responsible in having witness K and Bernard Collaery charged under the Official Secrets Act. Diplomatic immunity comes in handy, in a lot of ways, especially to dodge being summoned to appear in the witness box, along with despicable Downer.

Packer Whackers have been installed in all the offices of senior members of Sky News and the OZ, should palpitations occur when the news of the latest Labor Party, looney left socialists, atrocities upon the fabric of the queens own country are announced.

So good to read your articles John, thank you.

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

I confess at the start of the evening when like 0.02% had come in and the ABC was reporting 12 seats to libs and 2 to ALP I was feeling pretty down and went to have a shower, make coffee and work out the order I was going to set fire to various media company's assets, when I came back it had changed to like 40 ALP, 20 LNP and my electorate was looking like tossing the LNP which it went on to do.

It was a very good night.

This week watching the LNP apparatchik try to explain what happened ...priceless. Also I see the Libs have selected Senator Jane Hume of "I don’t think that Australia understands that anymore" see above to conduct the enquiry into what happened. Thus ensuring the Libs will learn absolutely nothing.

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Have to make another comment, and it is this: the two-party system is now heavily cracked and the dam is leaking like a seive. Despite the bleatings of the Murdopoly, there is no going back.

Demographically, the people who voted one party their whole lives are falling off the perch, replaced by a cohort of youth with no allegiance except to their shared future on this planet. As a citizenry, Australians have finally realised they don't have to vote red or blue, and we are now headed towards the plural democracy model that dominates in Europe, where Parliamentarians have to engage with each other to find consensus. Humans in leadership positions listening to each other to find a way forward - what a radical idea!? The fact this seems strange is a pox on the Westminster politcal system.

I have been hoping such an election would arrive since the shambles of infighting and factional bullshit that brought down the best PM we've seen in decades - Julia Gillard - and replaced her with a cruel ideologist who only wanted to destroy, Wrecker Abbott. What a relief it has finally arrived.

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Out of the Rudd, Gillard, Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison cohort of PMs, Gillard is far and away the most sane and likeable, and the most effective legislator by a clear margin.

But her errors of political judgment cost her (and the ALP) a great deal of political capital - elevating Peter Slipper to speaker, passing a mining tax under which the miners paid no tax, saying there would be "no carbon tax under a government I lead" then bringing one in, not cutting Craig Thomson loose ASAP, opposing gay marriage (while PM), the "real Julia" comment, etc. Sure, Gillard was stalked by a vengeful ex-PM and treated hideously by the Murdoch press, but her sometimes poor political instincts played their part in her downfall.

The challenge for Albo is to emulate Gillard's enormous success as a legislator (and her warmth and integrity) while avoiding the mistakes of political judgment. The fact that Albo was able to remain loyal to Rudd yet still earn Gillard's trust suggests his political instincts are sound.

Now comes the hard work - de-carbonising the Australian economy as quickly as possible, protecting the living standards of the low-paid, increasing real wages, progressing Australia's great unfinished business (coming to terms with the forcible dispossession of Australia's first nations) and repairing the structural vandalism inflicted on the nation's finances over the last 10 years.

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In Gillard's defence, what she said in full was 'there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead, but I will be moving to put a price on carbon'. The media always leaves out the last bit.

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Absolutely right. I'm still pissed about the fact we had a working, relatively broad-based (with room for improvement) carbon price that had started to curb emissions without hurting anyone, and Wrecker killed it for ideological reasons. If we'd kept that carbon price it would have stimulated energy efficiency (the cheapest emission cuts, but largely ignored because they aren't flashy) across all sectors, underpinned a domestic renewable energy manufacturing industry, and shown the world it can be done in an energy intensive country. Instead, we're a decade behind where we should be and the laughing stock of the global community.

Another oft-forgotten aspect of what Wrecker did is the $32bn hole he created by repealing the carbon tax while keeping all the compensation tax cuts. Now, the cuts were largely beneficial to low income earners, and I am all for them, but what he did created a huge hole in the budget that was not offset by, for example, properly taxing miners/multinationals/the rich. I'm not sure who the worst PM in Australia's history is, but it has to be between Wrecker and Scummo.

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Can't argue with your pointing out Gillard's political mistakes, but 6 major reforms in a hung Parliament is quite an achievement. And btw, although the mining tax started slowly, it was destined to pay off as it ramped up. It wasn't a perfect policy - didn't take enough from the miners - but it was a lot more than we have now (zilch) and could have been improved over time.

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Re the plural democracy model, like most areas of culture and society, we are a generation or two behind the older societies - not a criticism, we are younger and this stuff moves at generational pace.

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I've had chats with some older hardcore Labour supporters and staffers, and it's interesting to see how they passionately resent and misunderstand why people voted for the Teals and Greens.

People voted for what they considered important, it was a clear case of supply and demand. The People demanded and Labour weren't able to supply the demand.

The Greens wins are an interesting lesson labour needs to learn. Both major parties completely ignored young people, which is about 3 million votes, The Greens did well in the electorates with the highest number of young voters, that was no coincidence.

I voted Labour in my electorate because I support and have confidence in that particular member, but Labour as a party needs to pull its head out of its arse and stop sounding like the Liberal numpties you started your blog with.

Also " zombie arseclown cannibal holocaust" Thats is a f*cking instant classic and cannot be used enough.

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In Arnhem land an Aboriginal youth gets busted smoking a joint, stealing food or alcohol or drunk in the street. Two white policemen put him in Gaol where a white custody officer searches him and watches him. Next day a white pilot with two white prison custody officers in a very white plane pick him up in from the white policemen that have kindly delivered the black boy to the airport. He's then flown to Prison where the white prison officers lock him up. He's fed by white cooks and then taken by the white transport custody officers to court where he's transferred to the white court custody officers. A white, overworked, legal aid lawyer, who he won't understand anyway, will convince him to plead guilty. The white prosecutors will convince the white judge that the boy deserves a custodial sentence. Bored yet? We are. Continue after release with white parole and rehab officers and you'll get the idea of how one destitute black man is the basis of a sick, greedy, dominant culture economy. And then despair that this expenditure of tax payers money is listed as " aboriginal wefare" in the government budget documents

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It's great and I'm cheering too but, unless I'm reading it wrongly, the two party preferred is still fairly even. Therefore this country is as divided as ever. Now watch us waste the next 5 years on the statement from the heart. Read it, consider it and then explain to me how we can make a winnable referendum set of words to fit into a constitution that i bet 90% of people haven't read and don't understand anyway. Our nations remote, uneducated, poverty stricken kids are filling up gaols and being sacrificed to middle class privilege and the great satan of social services every day. Kids on country. Not in Prison

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I think that you're reading it wrongly (the two-party preferred figures), as is most of the media, and especially those publishing nation-wide two-party-preferred figures. The point is that electors vote in electorates (or states, for the senate), and in many of those, this time, the second party wasn't "the other guys", it was green or independent. In my electorate it wasn't even close: Labor won, but the second party was Green. John's completely correct: the two-party system is toast (and the system is working as intended).

Yes, the country is still divided, but not along the fantastic lines that the Murdoch press would have us believe. Democracy functioning properly operates with most issues and policies under consensus, and the differences are just the steering of the ship of state. We'll get there. Especially as I expect Albanese to keep emphasizing our common ground, rather than leaning on the differences, as ScoMo's mob (indeed, all the LNP since Howard) have.

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OF COURSE Dutton is the right person to lead the Libs out of the weeds. I mean he loves puppies right... And sure...that may well be because they're small enuf for him to unhinge his jaw and swallow them whole... But still....

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Yes, it was a landslide, something was happening and we just knew it was weird. The fear that PHON and UAP might matter was horrifying.

I can't believe that people and also still-serving politicians who think they are 'conservative' know so little about history and political theory and the rule of law, about the so-called "enlightenment values" they claim to hold so dear ...while actively trashing them!

Scomo and people still in parliament were actively working to undermine the separation of church and state! God help us? Nope. We helped ourselves, good on us!

Scomo was poisonous. No other politician has ever made me angry in the way he did . Not even Joh, not Campbell Newman and his pack of clowns. My anger began in early 2020 before COVID. I saw the deliberate contempt with which ministers treated ABC's women interviewers. (And most of them were screaming mediocrities, regular Beagle Boys.) Then, Scomo's sickening treatment of Anne Connolly when The Aged Care Royal Commission reported.

Peter Dutton: the lovely Baldermort, PC Plod. But, after the purging of decency and ethics and uppity females, he really IS the best they can scrape up! Oh the wilderness years...

NewsCorp's going the grovel from fear Albo might get "inclusive" with independents - delicious.

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Spot on. Love the Elf reference.

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