Feb 18, 2022Liked by John Birmingham

In the Letters page of The Age earlier this week - a reader made the point that not only are "the Chinese" in favour of Albanese - so too, poll-wise, are something like two-party-preferred around 57% of Australians. Is Morrison arguing we are all dupes or bots of the Chinese Premier? I remember the day Hawke laughed the money-under-the-bed and "commies" out of the paranoia pages of the right's handbook on elections scare-mongering. Thanks for including that tale here, John!

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

Remind me again how LNP policy deals with the threat of Chinese economic monoculture? Oh that's right. They sell our country's most strategc northern port to them as well as the country's largest coal port, 45% of our water, 18% of all real estate transactions last year etc etc etc!

I thought ScuMo had truly jumped the Prime Ministreial shark by playing that fucking banjo. Recent Sino-paranoia proves me wrong though.

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Perhaps because Scomo is remotely piloted (thanks for the concept JB) by Uncle Rupert he assumes it's like that for everyone else.

<puts on pith helmet and shit proof goggles>It's going to be an interesting election campaign...

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While Scummo's desperation is so palpable he has turned to McCarthyism, the greater irony is that anyone still believes China is "communist". Sure, they still put that moniker in the name of the controlling heirarchy, but communism is deep in the rear-view mirror of China's ideology at this point. Sure, they are autocratic, but that autocracy has very little to do with the aims of actual communism apart from the central economic planning. The rest is pure greed-driven growth and elite wealth concentration, aka our beloved capitalism. But then maybe I'm a Red for suggesting that?

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My big thing with Slomo's claims of Chinese in the ALP is they remind me of Clive Palmer's rantings against someone a while ago. It also overlooks who is buying the iron ore that Twiggy, Gina and Clive dig up. The royalties from which keep the budget from getting worse. Rumour has it the Chinese government may even fold on the ban on coal and start buying and burning that from Twiggy, Gina and Clive again. Who is also going to send more international students to keep our universities afloat?

What is more important is Ninefax's claims that this government may as well have taken the defence budget and bought cases of beer and pissed the lot against the wall. With useless spending priorities and some of the equipment being useless in the kind of confrontation with China that Donothing and Slomo are going to face if the shit hits the fan and Xi Jinping decides to take Taiwan by force.

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I did enjoy one commentor who quipped China is probably looking forward to the labor leader becoming prime minister, as are the French government after the submarine hatchet job, as is Serbia after the tennis star was deported, as is NZ, as is anyone other country that has actually had to deal with Scott Morrision in any capacity.

As an unrepentant communist I confess if the CCP was genuinely supporting Albanese that would definitely improve my opinion of him as a candidate.

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SQoMo truly is Menzies' Heir.

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