So, say some bright spark with some influence, had properly funded the "virus RNA in wastewater measurement" technology that can give a week's notice of rises in community infection , or when a peak has been reached ( useful intel for managing , and morale): at first sign of "CovidClean" ( like Luggage Point is, covering 60% of brisbane) , the usual suspects would take this as a cue to party? And that's why we are not being told, boldly, the results of such project, if it is in fact being pursued?

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You may very well think that. I could not possibly comment.

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If they're happy to snack on their grandkiddies (climate catastrophe), no surprise the tougher, yet less puppy pic like option of grandparents nomnom is a given. Just a little extra time to marinate, while they warm up the Weber. The only silver lining, when everything's gone, they can only eat each other and the last one eats himself.

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Shopping this morning for slippers - Newcastle's Westfields in Kotara - crowded as ... only one person I saw wearing a mask (that was me - seeing my image in a shop window reflection)! Mixed messages all over merge into incomprehensibility. You are so right, John. This political leader or Deputy Health whatever speaking up "the economy" and opening up and the sector downplayed - the lives of the citizens. I can't believe it! News of the US and the mess there - of this and that Governor with symptoms from the orange one's Tulsa rally - some foolhardy believers already dead - no apologies - who am I supposed to be listening to? Not the PM or right-leaning Premiers - that's for sure! They should be raking in the back taxes unpaid by BIG BIZ and paying out all the little businesses which will go under - and eliminate the virus - shut us all bar essential food production/distribution - keep us locked down for two months --- Twiggy and Clive and Gina and other greedy "mates" should be able to keep every else afloat - the Irish Aussie running QANTAS could pay with a single year's salary all the airline workers he's laid off - why doesn't he step up. All in this together? Isn't that the mantra? Thanks, John...

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Keep that mask on tight, Jim. We need you.

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“Check out the big brain on Brad” makes me die laughing because of the Brett Kavanaugh themed re-do of that classic scene. And living here in the Corona and Covidiot Capital, the effed up Un-United States of A, I need all the laughter I can get 👍

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That's pretty spot-on take, as sharp a view as the artist who reworked the "we are open" Disneyland commercial with Blue Oyster Cults 'Don't fear the reaper' and interwoven shots from the Stephen King miniseries The Stand. I was forced to give a macabre laugh to Trump's press secretary's "we won't let science get in the way of opening schools", that sound like so many folks attitude. Anyway thanks for saying this, appreciated as one down in The Hot Zone who doesn't want to see the rest of Australia joining in.

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I'm often the only person I see in my local Qld town wearing a mask anymore. Back in March many people had them. Lately it feels like not just complacence about masks but actual hostility towards me, and it really sets me back. Being sneered at is a wholly new experience. I hate it, but wearing my mask helps me feel just that bit safer. Whether it really does make me safer or not is moot to me-- it stops me from touching my face, which is something I Must have done all the time, as the impulse is still there. I made the mask, it fits quite tightly, has a piece of vac filter in it, and I can't smell anything when I have it on. I reckon I sound like Kenny from SouthPark when I have to talk through it. I went out of my way to make it as friendly looking as I could. Masks are not something our culture has embraced except in very limited circumstances. I get it. If I'm foolish, so be it. But I can't understand how my wearing a mask should be skin off anyone else's nose.

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Yes, but...Adam Creighton is a fuckwit!

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