I was a bit gobsmacked and had to check the source when I saw ScottyfromMarketing had delivered his "we will not achieve net zero in the cafes, dinner parties and wine bars of our inner cities" at a well to do an inner-city restaurant. Honestly, how do you satirise that, you gave it an excellent turn of phrase above but seriously that's beyond parody?

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Beautifully said! Egg and coal dust all over his ugly visage! And deservedly so. Can you give us a piece on Marise Payne and being bested in her Foreign Minister presentation by her NZ counterpart! Things Fall Apart - and this is, as you write John, just the beginning.

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also WTAF is "the animal spirits of capitalism"?

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ScuMo is a gaping, arse wound. I wish the cahnt would fucking die.

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Seems the happy clappers transferred the technology when they laid hands on him a few days ago. It's full Spock. We'll be fine.

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I wish we could turn off his fucking mike.

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