The absurdity of being Pro-Life and Pro-Gun should be blatantly obvious to all, but it seems the denizens of the USA have an appetite for the absurd.

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Dark fucking times.

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How many of these shitgibbons who wanted abortion banned have lived anywhere it actually is illegal? I suspect very few.

I have. And if you want abandonment of newborns (in hospital, if you're lucky), newborn infanticide, desparate women & girls doing unspeakable things to their lady plumbing (whether with chemicals or otherwise) - well, then fill your boots.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

I have just read the Betoota Advocate - and this is the headline: "Country That Lets Lunatics Shoot Up Schools Moves To Protect Kids By Banning A Medical Procedure" and the report continues in like vein! Yes, John - control by the boys and the women they have already bludgeoned into being their Gilead handmaidens - you are correct. I am writing from Eden (not the one connected to the words Garden of...- though I did see that written on a wall coming into town - was it the local Nursery?) a town famous for its Whaling Museum and that St Mary McKillop's mother was drowned in a shipwreck just outside Twofold Bay on May 30, 1886. Beyond that a mini-Bundian Way 1.8 km in length skirts the clifftops and beaches from Cocora Beach to Quarantine Bay - telling the story of the other ancient Bundian Way of the Yuin and Ngarigo peoples which runs from Bilgaleral on Twofold Bay (Tullemullerer) to Mt Kosciuszko (Targangal) 265 km in length. You will note that the second part of this response has nothing to do with guns and murdering school children or preventing a girl or woman from having the medical procedure which is their right. You did notice, didn't you? While the US makes a ninny of itself and its (mostly) men take control - yet it continues to pretend it cares for human rights and dignity while pushing weapons sales to Ukraine to prolong a war which should have been over with the opening salvoes and pretends to care about freedom of the press while continuing its decade+ persecution of truth-tellers - especially Julian Assange! I almost feel we should ignore the US for a decade - give it the space to grow up!

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I wonder if they announced that after 3 weeks it was viable to transfer a fetus to the man's(father's) rectum if the woman didn't want the pregnancy, would these same fellas be OK with it-Or would they be " No f******* way! You can't force me to have a baby!

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In September 2020 Women charged police lines and threw Molotov cocktails at officers in Mexico City on Monday during protests demanding the legalization of abortion in the majority Roman Catholic country. The protesters, clad in the green bandanas that have become the symbol of the pro-choice movement in Latin America, gathered in Mexico’s capital to mark International Safe Abortion Day, which is celebrated each year on Sept. 28. They attacked the police, courts and set fire to buildings.

On 7 September 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court unanimously ruled that penalising abortion is unconstitutional, setting an important precedent across the whole country.

I'm not saying that at the rallies, demonstrations today and tomorrow to highlight this issue we should be violent and attack the intuitions of power which have failed to declare abortion through out Australia as legal, supported and available to all. (yes I know its decimalised and partially subsidised for some). but maybe I am not not saying that.

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Thank you ❤

And that cuntatious Neanderthal Matt Caveman's cosplay suddenly makes sense!


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Thank you JB. This is one of the best summations of the situation I've read thus far.

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Thank you, John, for being a decent human being. And for being the best ally a woman could hope to have.

What gets me is the pro birthers like Canavan think whoppee abortion stops today! He needs to talk to ex Qld copper Dutton about what coppers had to deal with surrounding backyard abortion.

The Xtian Theocrats all need locking up and the keys thrown into Luggage Point. And those lying SCOTUS judges who promised they would not overturn Roe vs Wade at their confirmation hearings need to go into permanent solitary confinement for life.

And this is just the beginning. Gird yer loins!

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Canavan is a cunt.

There’s a couple of medical procedures that he is definitely eligible for.

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Get SCOMO onto marketing for this. I hear he is looking for a gig now. Something along the lines of ‘how good is not getting aborted?’ Or some such. Put it on a mug.

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I hate cracker night. People should just live stream the Ukraine if they want to blow shit up. I hate cracker night but will defend to the end young people's right to act like idiots and lunatics as I was privileged enough to do.

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The whole Taliban thing which, in my opinion is as close to the stone age as we've got, is about controlling the reproductive rights of women. It probably made perfect sense at the time. Also it's a rare thing that any humans willingly give up power. Males in Western civilisations gave it up in the 70's because women nagged us into it and because fake feminism was a sure way to get laid. In any civilisation the strong can always put the weak back in their box if they really wanted to so I don't think women should get too comfortable. I live in the murder capital of the world. Most of the murdered people seem to be women who acted or imagined that they were strong. Kind of like me walking into a lebo biker clubhouse and thinking that I was safe. Sorry ladies but humans are only monkeys with guns and money. ( not sure who said this originally) As for abortion I don't like it because the surgical nature , guilt and regret of it seems to do some people's heads in for a long time. I don't like it but it's not my body and none of mine or the states business.

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Mr Birmingham, may I please republish at The Pub?

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(Moved post.) Think I remember. Your name's from a game. Fine mate. Too busy to dwell on that old stuff anyway.

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Women in third world countries and the poor always wear the shit when self absorbed first world feminist women screw things up. Look how quickly they've dropped their sisters in Afghanistan after the unasked for interventions of both Russian and American know all women in their lives. Those afghan women will be lucky to keep their heads on their shoulders now while the UN feminists move on to their next highly paid consultancies and three bottles of the best red with dinner.

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