Sorry to see you're in for surgery. All the best with that, wishing you a speedy recovery.

She says the Duttato could or could not, maybe be a 100% dinky-di rape apologist. He says he isn't and a QLD Police background leaves you in no doubt whatsoever. She says when he smiles all the rainbows in the world turn brown. He says he blows them Technicolor straight out his arsehole. Could go on, will have a little cry instead. Hope Shane prevails, was a joy to read some of the names used for donations on the funding page.

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Good luck. Must admit I smiled for a while when I read about the latest outcome in Christian Porter's case.

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It is interesting you mention the Demon Spud (I love this nickname for Dutton), but you don't mention what will have to be the defamation trial of the year (Covid permitting) - John Barilaro (Deputy Premier of NSW) vrs Jordan Shanks-Markovina AKA Friendly Jordies of YouTube fame (Ben Roberts-Smith versus Ninefax & the Canberra Times et al is a war crimes trial masquerading as a defamation trial).

I find it a bit hard to find the sympathy biscuits for either party. The plaintiff is basically a hardline ideologue who has probably committed the offences alleged by the respondent. He and his coalition partners have pretty much buggered NSW up in such a way that they have taken the title of plague city from Melbourne & will probably no longer have Koalas in the wild. The respondent is pretty much a ALP version of Paul Murray of Sky News fame, (mind you none of the state or federal ALP or Greens politicians maligned by Murray are lining up to sue him although they probably should) some of his humor is pretty much undergraduate.

It looks like being sued is good publicity for Shanks-Markovina - he has crowd sourced one million dollars after he posted footage of the NSW police obsessed persons squad arresting his producer. I would not be surprised if he makes it hard for Barilaro to win. To put it this way Barilaro could have just shrugged his shoulders and ignored Friendly Jordies. While Shanks Markovina could have made sure he was aware of defo law.

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It is interesting you mention the Demon Spud (I love this nickname for Dutton), but you don't mention what will have to be the defamation trial of the year (Covid permitting) - John Barilaro (Deputy Premier of NSW) vrs Jordan Shanks-Markovina AKA Friendly Jordies of YouTube fame (Ben Roberts-Smith versus Ninefax & the Canberra Times et al is a war crimes trial masquerading as a defamation trial).

I find it a bit hard to find the sympathy biscuits for either party. The plaintiff is basically a hardline ideologue who has probably committed the offences alleged by the respondent. He and his coalition partners have pretty much buggered NSW up in such a way that they have taken the title of plague city from Melbourne & will probably no longer have Koalas in the wild. The respondent is pretty much a ALP version of Paul Murray of Sky News fame, (mind you none of the state or federal ALP or Greens politicians maligned by Murray are lining up to sue him although they probably should) some of his humor is pretty much undergraduate.

It looks like being sued is good publicity for Shanks-Markovina - he has crowd sourced one million dollars after he posted footage of the NSW police obsessed persons squad arresting his producer. I would not be surprised if he makes it hard for Barilaro to win. To put it this way Barilaro could have just shrugged his shoulders and ignored Friendly Jordies. While Shanks Markovina could have made sure he was aware of defo law.

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Good luck with that surgery. The price of getting old is that start to fucking break.

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get well soon - missing you already.... :)

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Good luck with the surgery

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Good wishes re hospital visit - of course! I've followed up your reference to Shane Bazzi wondering if he is related to Fayssal Bazzi the brilliant actor who was one of the stars in the Kate Blanchett/ABC TV drama - "Stateless"! Or maybe Bazzi is a relatively common name in the Middle East? Anyway this was my post on the donations site: "TheNewLiberals (TNL) are promising gaol for MP malfeasance/corruption/Crimes Against Humanity - retrospectively! The time is coming when Dutton and all the other thugs of this LNP "swamp" will be given a number and locked up on some island (part of Australian soil - not sullying another country's place and people) guarded by a "Serco"-like organisation - and paid for out of their own ill-gotten (clawed back from their Postal Box on George Town, Grand Cayman or wherever it is that they have it hidden - if needs be). All good wishes to Shane..."

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Politicians have the advantage of parlimentary privilage, verses those who are merely a means to an end, or as they call them the voters. The victim can attempt to scale the castle walls of wealth and privilage or concede defeat before they have even started and take cheaper route of a psychatrist to expunge the trauma of being violated by those who exercise power mentally and more importantly physicaly.

Once the decision has been taken to walk into the jaws of the monster then the Rubicon has been crossed.

The first stage is the long wait for the date of the first hearing to be set. This will set off a chain of events where you feel like a bit part in a Gibert and Sullivan opera as the bewigged caped cruasaders begin their dance of rhetoric as they sing their oratory of thrust and parry.

The prelude to the final act is your eviseration on the plinth of the witness box.

The aria begins as you stand under the sword of Damocles wondering if the hair wil snap as you stand in front of Dioysius.

The victor, whoever they are, will either walk away knowing that an appeal will almost certainly be laid, or the bewigged faux combatants will rendezvous at an exclusive lunch venue to feast on the eviscerated entrails of their hapless cash cow.

I know how you feel JB, I was in hospital once with an extremely rare disease called GASH. It was a combination of Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Aids and Herpes. The doctor put me on special diet, all I could eat was Pizza. I asked why only Pizza and he replied that was the only thing they could slide under the door.

Get well soon or I will send auntie Jack around to rip ya bloody arms off !

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I hope everything goes smoothly, and wish you a quick recovery.

This is, of course, barely-concealed self-interest ...

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Good luck!

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Break a leg JB!

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Good luck with the surgery JB. Hope all goes well, but honestly, you don’t need the plastic surgery. We all still find you young and beautiful. Looking forward to reading more when you’re up to it.

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