Funny thing John: Some of us have been having the conversations - with mates. Those with whom I've shared not only oblique tales re my mother and how she was treated by church elders and older brothers and anyone - brothers-in-law, too - once she was widowed which made her a magnet for the worst of men (early 1950s here) so that marriage to an older chap appeared preferable and a kind of protection. I've also indulged a little in reference to the childhood sexual assault I was subjected to aged 11 - within the protective "cover" of a fundamentalist protestant sect - and yes - my absolute belief in the woman coming foward with their tales of rape and so forth. It is all around. And just last night - a letter from one of my earliest students almost 50 years ago - kind and generous thoughts of me and my wife (then - before we married) and a tale as horrific as any - abuse from her mother's partner and one of his mates - and later - in aGirls' juvenile detention centre - Minda - abused by the Governor. I am with all those thousands of girls and young women responding to the revelations over the past decade or so of assault/worse by (in the main) the lads of private boys schools - of Brittany Higgins and that staffer (where is he at the moment - yet picked up?) and of Charles Christian Porter (he goes by his second given name) and how (allegedly) a fellow debater about whom he has the vaguest recollection until the details emerge - suffered his rape. It's beyond time for the mess of Scott and his government to be washed away.

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"not all men" OK literally true, but statistically?

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97% of all sexual assaults are committed by men. Current UK stats, but no reason to expect any different here.

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Just in case you're asking what % of men commit any form of assault, given the low rate of reporting, we don't know. Which is exactly the point you're missing. We don't know who the dangerous men are, because they look just like 'normal' people. Some even hold positions of great importance or high esteem.

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No my point is, statistically yes all men.

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