I hear you Karletta. Both of my parents have what can generously be described as complex medical issues. Their GP will regularly spend upwards of 30 mins going through various things with them together. I know because I sit in on these appointments now. (Don't ask *sigh*) Their specilist appointments are another thing entirely. And from what I can tell their experiences are fairly similar to yours. 6-10 mins, unless its something like an assessment. I cannot imagine that *any* of their specilists get much useful information from either of them in 10 mins. And, as a general rule, the specilists almost always have a gap payment so, wtf right? If I'm paying I expect you to take the time needed to diagnose and treat properly. And here's a clue guys..Bulk Billing *IS* paying...Its just not coming out of my pocket directly but via the taxation system. As a person who has been fortunate enough to be able to work full time in a relatively stable situation for most of my working life I can tell you I would be MORE than happy to pay a higher Medicare levy if it meant that people like my parents, and let's be honest here, eventually, people like me, get the treatment they require. All the best with your Karletta - Stunning Goddess Returns project. Sounds like a brilliant goal to have.

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You've hit the nail right on the head mate. You sound like a fighter and a winner to me. I've had some injury time to think recently. I reflected a bit on love. I got churched a lot when i was young and what i could never get was why all the different religions thought that they were right and everyone else was wrong. The one thing that got repeated by all denominations constantly was " god is love ". In my mind by extrapolation then " love is God " What if it's that simple?. I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about loving a cat, dog, person, environment or whatever and the feeling that we get from it. There's no love on a battlefield and maybe the absence of love is evil. Interested to hear your thoughts. Good luck mate

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Thank you!

Liking my own post, my gosh.

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