Thanks for another year of quality void rage and thinky bits mainlined straight into my eyeballs weekly, I do like the thought of old el gringo and pills fueling you posts, cause I always like to accompany your words with an extra large martini…. Stirred AND shaken!

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Thanks for all the excellent words this year, surely 2022 will be more of a challange since there must be least outrage piling up during the week. Surely, less. Please by whatever power there is in the universe less outrageousness ...

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Oh, John - so good! You know I've spent the past week entering into a computer file a lot of nowhere-near-as-good-as-your-writing letters written to politicians (mostly) and certainly impolite (mostly) on both sides of the political coin between 1996 and 2012 - sent from Japan (mostly) via postcard - so not quite to your genius-level creations - but satisfying (mostly) in proving that my understanding was actually far more accurate than political think-tanks and the narrowed and ugly thinking of (most) of those I wrote to. I came across the file of kept/copies correspondence a week back - and thought - cripes (now there's a good word needs resurrecting) my political antennae have been pretty much on the ball from the John "Dubya" Howard days onwards! Lovely to have your modus operandi made plain! Merry festivities! Jim

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Dec 24, 2021
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Karletta: I have a friend living over 40 years in Greece. Australian. Has a brother and a son living in Australia. Two sons in Greece. Politically aware - very aware. We share thoughts/articles/links. We are of an age - the friend has five years on me (72). We are not focussed only on Australia - but far more generally - US-watchers - of course - and the whole EU/Russia/China/US-confected flashpoints. Covid and war-mongering - WMD sales/Dutton-Pezzullo - Pentecultism/Opus Dei - why are so many politicians of extremist religious perspectives? Etc. The Environment, First Nations issues, asylum-seeker tragedies - self-serving politicians - spare me/us/our country/the world! And John always takes a tack beneath his stunning word-crafting which punctures those pomposities of the political class - and reassures me - along with other readers of Alien Boobside (genuine - oops) Sideboob - that I/we ARE NOT ALONE in being able to see clearly. I have a mate in Japan who is a clear seeing man (clairvoyant)! Although I have NEVER sought his advice on MY behalf - I might stretch it for the world's sake! Jim

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Dec 24, 2021
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Karletta - The Scrum - especially Patrick LAWRENCE!

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Thanks very much JB. Been a pretty rough couple of years, starting with the bushfires in 19/20 then a worldwide pandemic that’s been trying to quick-finish with the climate change denialists started. Overlay that with Scotty and his mendacious shitgoblins and a heap of personal stuff and there have been some struggles. But, no matter what’s going on, Friday night i get home, open a frothy, open ASB, and there you are. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it mate. Hope you and yours have a safe and happy Holiday season, and 2022 treats you kindly mate. Cheers

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Merry whatevers to you, John. Now maybe it is my incipient macular degeneration or maybe it is the way my mind works but I reaf 'fascist pigdog arse maggots' as 'fascist pigdog arse magnets'....and immediately in my mind's eye, was Morrison's face! If ever there was an arse maggot or magnet, it is him.

Thank you for all your musings, made up words, thought provocations and the sheer pleasure of reading your column.


Juda Bacon

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Day made. All the best.

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Thanks for your great writings John - have a great Xmas break!

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Re Christmas movies: I like the suggestion I saw, of watching Love Actually followed by Die Hard - because the 2nd movie shows Alan Rickman being punished for what he did to Emma Thompson in the first one.

Thank you for a year of ASB.

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A dumb cunt's thanks for the vowel repetition insight.

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Love your guts Birmo

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Thanks JB. Love your work. Have yourself a merry little Christmas. I hope it's full of fine whisky and hugs from the family. Looking forward to the next sweary dictionary expanding missive whenever it may come.

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The phrase used to describe ScoMo as The Fascist Slime is one you can use.

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Thanks John, and let’s not forget your farewell to your dog.

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Thanks for everything JB, you help to keep me relatively stable by showing me that I'm not insane to be outraged by the ubiquitous clusterfuckery in which we live.

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Thank you John, sideboob gives me smiles among the gloom, and new joyous perspectives on the versatility of language. Appreciate your work and wish you well.

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Thank whatever deity you believe in, or not, if that's the case, for solid gold geezas like John Birmingham. May you continue to construct appropriate confabulations of swearwords until the cows come home. merry Xmas! Take a break. You've well and truly earnt it and come back next year refreshed and ready to smote the Coalition dragon.

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