Maybe they'll do us all a favor, cheap out, and copy the design specs from the Kursk.

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I would have thought even billionaires might be a bit wary of submersibles for a while yet, though I guess only diving to 250 metres is a bit less stressful than Titanic depths. Here's hoping Herr Gumpold got the engineers to sign off properly this time, though you know it will be the taxpayers footing the bill for any rescue mission, not the tax shirkers.

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I wonder how many people have tried to explain to him that brain size does not correlate to intelligence. It's more about synapses and sometimes a smaller brain does better because it has more neurons and more synapses packed into a smaller area and can thus operate faster.

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I'm still wrapping my head around the idea of a luxury submarine *with a pool*.

I mean, how the hell does that even work?

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It's not like you can go for a quick dip in the ocean when the entire vessel is underwater. The helicopter inteerests me more. I hope they have a special underwater-operable chopper launcher.

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I know you’re going for the Bond-villain theme with this but for some reason I’m getting some serious Captain Nemo “Twenty Thousand Leagues...” vibes. Hopefully the ship will come with its own giant squid attack thrown in for free.

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Great...now my guillotine has to be sea worthy.

'Jenkins, fire up the Proletariat mobile, we're off to BCF!'

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Brilliant as always 🤣🤣🤣 but ffs TWO pools 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Probably the only super-yacht pools that can be lounged-around all day without fear of sunburn, even if cruising the southern ocean, under the ozone-layer hole. (They both appear to be inside.) No view though, so minus several points for that.

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Lumpenproletariat! haha. Fitting to see that silliness among the melting ice.

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I this submarine too big for Julie Bishop to go down on? The Collins class apparently wasn't.

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There's nothing too big for Julie to go down on

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Oh, good grief! Words fail me! What the hell happened to philanthropy? Is this just the end game of the greed is good crazy people?

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I guess it’s a step up from wanting sharks with laser beams?

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Needless to say, reality has finally jumped the shark.

As for Musk's quest to mine the Belt and live on Mars, he really should watch The Expanse to see how that turns out...

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We should parade through the streets burning effigies of Milton Friedman.

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Fuck the sub. I need a dinosaur vaginaed Barbarella brood mare badly though.

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A rhetorical "why?" to your 'need' is making the mind boggle in x rated ways.

Now you can decide if the x reference was a pun or not...

(but I was glad JB gave the origin of that phrase - seeing his use beforehand gave me pause!)

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It was probably the Barbarella

reference that inspired me. I do like dinosaurs but have never slept with one. Yet.

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