I just don't think I could stand to reread this tale of a our own Australian trumptesque figure. For me he shall always be that figure Tom Parson's Orwell described in 1984. ""He was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasm—one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the Party depended."

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What an asinine reference to the great Donald Trump....clearly you're just another brainwashed functionary of the globalists....TRUMP 2024....

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It says so fucking much about how far they’ve lurched right in 30 years that “working for Treasurer Peter Costello “ can be considered small l liberal.

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Good point.

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I’ve just re-reserved it at the library so I can finish it. Like you, I felt kinda retraumatised reading as far as I got in the (quite short…) allotted borrowing time. Reading it, I know I’ve blotted out much of the horror. A good ALP ad strategy might be to gift a copy to every household to ensure we all remember EVERY. GHASTLY. DETAIL. before the next election rolls around!

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I liked this for the same reason you did: HE IS GONE! It's kinda satisfying to relive that from this side of his defeat.

Savva is not exactly a literary genius, and I found her writing style detracted at times from my enjoyment of the book.

Sometimes I wonder what Jen really actually thinks about ScoMo, but then I realise how nice it is not to give a shit about her any more.

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Got the book for Xmas - read it during the next couple of days. It is doing the rounds with friends - all reminded just how awful the man is - no wonder he can't get another job. Imagine if he had been re-elected - terrifying thought.

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I think I bought it soon after it came out and read, and loved, it immediately. I'd been wary after reading Nikki's takedown of Abbott and Credlin. Worthy as that book was, it was poorly written. Bulldozed benefitted from much better editing, or perhaps Nikki was just better practiced at the takedown book. Anyhoo, it was good to be reminded of the utter destruction Morrison wrought on the Liberals. Here's hoping the world has moved on from the likes of Morrison, Johnson and most of all Trump. Fuckwits of a feather.

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I think she'd been sharpening the knife so long for Smoko that when she finally cut, she cut deep.

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And you haven't even mentioned what I found the most joy-inducing part of the whole book - the description of Katherine Deves' election night!

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Chef's Kiss, now that would be worth the price of admission.

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Oh yeah, it's pretty good. There were tears.

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“She hates him almost as much as everyone else who ever met the man hated him, but she took notes, allowing her to write pars like this one:”

Champagne reviewing right here. I have to read it now.

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Devoured it with glee.

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Somehow we elect a PM who believes that chasing mammon is next to godliness, is this what the Messiah wanted, a healthy bank account? The revelation that he secretly took control of the reins of government, and who know what else, he may even have duped the members of the Horizon Church in Sutho. The crook from Cook is devious enough to have signed a Faustian Pact, with a promise that he will secretly replace Mephistopheles, when the Grim Reaper comes a knocking. He will certainly get maximum brownie points for the many deaths from Robo Debt.

The liar from the shire, has certainly achieved one of the central tenets of the Pento church, The Seven Mountains, in their quest for a worldwide government. He has certainly achieved this in our sun kissed land by giving News Corp almost total control of our media, to such an extent that they can control the day to day narrative. Now that he has gone to the spiritual home of the tongue talkers, his appointment as an advisor to a think tank for US arms manufacturers, will allow him to wield the Sword of the Lord, to smite all those who doubt that fiscal salvation is a path into heaven.

Alas that smug smile still haunts my nightmares.

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I have always found schadenfreude to be an odd term but when I found myself performing sections of Nikki's book to guffawing friends it seemed so apt. I loved it when it was released and read it in days although I would never open it again. Too triggering. Too many Morrison techniques (mainly the speculative lying) being trotted out by Dutton atm. I am afraid for the future of the referendum like I was leading up to the election because I have never believed in miracles. I hope that hope is enough.

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I'm sorry to say that I think the referendum is lost however I'm frequently wrong about political outcomes. Hopefully, if it goes down, then we can move to the substantial compensation stage ( for the disadvantage of not being able to vote or own property for a hundred years )more quickly.

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There's outrageous anti-Voice lies going around atm. I'd like to know who has produced the stuff I've seen. It needs to be called out /refuted whenever it appears. I'm hoping the yes campaign picks up, stat.

If you're interested I could post the List of Lies here.

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An appalling individual who has done long term damage and expedited the steady erosion of accountability, truth and community service. A cunning and scheming individual only capable of viewing the world through a political lense. Absolutely no long term view. A decidedly unchristian Christian aided by a large number of lieutenants shunning service, natural justice, rrule of law, respect for their fellow man/community, financial responsibility and common decency to worship - the false goals of ambition, self interest, personal financial gain and party political donations. These include his fellow "Christians" as well as other members of the rogues gallery. Such heights as billions lost in bogus submarine contracts, robodebt, sports wroughts, bogus infrastructure projects, dodgy contracts, protection of vested interests to name a few, and revenge/pursuit of the damaged, vulnerable and defenceless.

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If that’s the reason he sits there.!

What a truly cynical prick he is.!!

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Why is The Bastard.. Still Sitting in Parliament!?

Goddam Lunatic.!

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Because no one will offer him a job that pays the same as a mere back bencher. He has two daughters at a private school, their fees can't be cheap, plus of course the useless Jen who is not employable

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Well, this was a surprise read.

From such a low point in Australia.

I didn't think I could read this book, yet here we are.

Enjoyed it.

Pity such a well connected journalist didn't shout out & call bullshit more often when the liar & bastard was running his 1 man junta. Complicit in mediocre journalism for 9+ years.

I still assume everyone elected from Tassy is related to Eric A. Prove me wrong.

Stunned that Erin (my dad the general) was considered as chance for a senate ticket.

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I have just finished the audiobook. I can't tell you how deeply satisfying it was to listen to. Even though it took me back to so many God-awful years with THAT GUY in charge. I have never smiled so much while driving alone....

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