Do you have someone you can trust to bounce ideas off? JB has Editing Cats and Plotting Dogs for this reason, sometimes it's hard to create when it's just you muttering to yourself.
Do you have someone you can trust to bounce ideas off? JB has Editing Cats and Plotting Dogs for this reason, sometimes it's hard to create when it's just you muttering to yourself.
I work as a developer in IT. There’s a ‘thing’ called ‘duck programming’ where if you get stuck and you’re about to reach out for help - paraphrase your problem and then ask a rubber duck. I know it sounds weird, but it engages a different part of the brain and sometimes the answer presents itself.
Do you have someone you can trust to bounce ideas off? JB has Editing Cats and Plotting Dogs for this reason, sometimes it's hard to create when it's just you muttering to yourself.
I work as a developer in IT. There’s a ‘thing’ called ‘duck programming’ where if you get stuck and you’re about to reach out for help - paraphrase your problem and then ask a rubber duck. I know it sounds weird, but it engages a different part of the brain and sometimes the answer presents itself.