Please go back to writing fictional end of world dystopian horror stories. This one is too scary. Not even a good muffin-related anecdote to lighten the mood.

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Big thanks Graham McDonald for picking up my error with the election dates. That three month difference between the vote and the inauguration got me good.

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"the gorilla will move back into the White House and the second Trump presidency will begin...." Well thank you for providing the fodder for this month's nightmares. But what if the Biden administration get organized and resolved and put in place the democratic legislation that protects voters..... sorry but couldn't keep going with a straight face.

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We can't afford a fleet of US submarines: more expensive than even the diesel French ones, and as you say, they'll be too late for Taiwan anyway, or anything else. (It's been argued that submarines are obsolete: they can be seen from space.) So it isn't about buying submarines.

What, then?

Dutton says we'll be renting some in the mean-time. What does that mean? We don't have any nuclear-engineering submariners to feed and keep them, or appropriate facilities, so presumably we'll be renting a chunk of crew, too. Perhaps some Australian naval personnel will be passengers.

So we'll be paying "lease fees" to establish Perth and/or Fremantle as another US overseas nuclear submarine base. Yay?

As you say: all against a backdrop of impending chaos.

A few links:



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Well, fuck! First time I've been glad I'm 70 and may not live to see this.

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No-one wants to acknowledge it publically, but this is dead on the money. The Repo-fascists in the US care only for one thing, and that is power. They will do literally anything to hold it. The shit will well and truly hit the fan in Nov 2024, and that is exactly when China will annex Taiwan. And then comes the global financial collapse and the hard times for all, if we somehow avoid nuclear immolation. Party hard and often in the meantime, for times only get rougher from here.

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Women saving the world again. Seems we've had a good look at Xi too. As for Bozo...

Unless there has been a dramatic change since the last time I looked at the opinion polls in any detail, Australian women are particularly unkeen on our PM and his circle jerk circle. It's not like he's treating us any better now. He treats women extra-terribly. He'll pay.

Was C G Jung the first prominent man, in the West at least, to make the observation that real male messiah types always have a significant, even majority, contingent of women followers? Maybe still the only.

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Yeah thanks mate, I don't know whether to give you a cheerio for a thought provoking and terrifying dose of solid analysis, or a fuck you Johnboy for a thought provoking and terrifying dose of solid analysis.

'Jenkins bring me my finest gin, the end cometh!'

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Shee-it. I think I need some kind of cheering cleanse, maybe some French comedies if SBS On Demand has any

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Uh oh, this is exactly what I thought after reading the WP article. Such a scary time to have the most incompetent government in power. I fervently wish for a change of government next election but even that might not be enough to unravel Aukus and to torpedo (sorry) the submarine fiasco.

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