I'm with you and Martin: I have no idea what everyone else is thinking. I've been told that tradies love him, so who knows. There are certainly plenty of shiny new high-rise utes tooling around everywhere, if that's any indication.

Don't lose sight of the use of shock doctrine in the background though. They're still going to open more fracking fields, build pointless gas turbines (while also blocking new major solar power plants for being "against policy"), allow schools to discriminate against (kick out) both teachers and students (with a review of the latter in twelve months, perhaps), wind down Universities in general and arts departments in particular, stack the AAT with mates, and turn Perth over to be a US nuclear submarine base. I could go on, but it's too depressing, because there's not a peep about any of that from the opposition.

I must conclude, therefore, that my countrymen by and large agree with it all. I don't know what to do about it.

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"...lying, happy-clapping dodgewanker...". Thank you, JB.

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I thought Scotty the Dodgewanker was no chance last time. Last election night I was staying in a fancy high rise hotel and it was just lucky I couldn't get the windows open when I heard the results. Coming on the same weekend that Kate Miller-Heidke was robbed at Eurovision it was almost too much. Yeah, I surround myself with sane people of sound judgement, so nobody I know would vote for this clusterfuck government, but I do worry that we're in the minority. Can the same crowd be frightened again by Franking Credit tax rebates, which they don't receive anyway and certainly don't understand. Wake me up when it's all over... and if he's back, don't wake me up at all.

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JB can you give us a formal definition of Dodgewanker? My guess is along the lines of; Dodgewanker: Verb: the act of blatantly refusing to accept responsibility for an act, omission, statement or state of being, despite all evidence to the contrary, whilst simultaneously jerking off all over the place about getting away with it once again!

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"colostomy bag" a bit harsh, a colostomy bag takes the shit away, unlike this odious man.

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Tests in the countryside - day 5 and still waiting for CPR results.

Still, my skull doesn't feel like it's being attacked by a grinder anymore.

But my mind always feels fucked by that dodgewanker.

I blame him and Parrotits for me being sick.

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OMG JB! This is just EVERYTHING I've been saying for weeks now!!! I WANT to hope that Australians have woken up to this horrifying clown and his clown car of grifting self-molesters but I have been disappointed too many times in the past. As long as I live I will NEVER understand why people just keep voting against their own best interests. I cannot imagine who looks at the entires shitshow this fuckmuppet has presided over for the last 3 years and says, "Hell yeah! Gimme more of that! " Gonna go rock in a coner and suck my thumb for a while now.... *sigh*

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fuck we can only hope the wider community is enraged enough to drop this "dodgewanker", he has just about fucked over every community group there is in some fashion. I worry that we are so apathetic about it all now that no one is enraged to kick him out, and everyone just doesn't give a shit!

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How good is getting re-elected? If I have to look at his smirko for another 3 years imma gonna puke myself inside out.

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Four more months of this is truly frightening. Probably a precursor to the zombie apocalypse. Great to see you back JB.

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Well put, John. We are often in bubbles or silos (is that the word du jour) of similar thinkers - but my feel is that the dissatisfaction against the LNP mis-governors is leaking into the Pentecultist's own demographic - Gerry Harvey, Kerry Stokes aside. And the Hillsong rock music "camp" at Glenrock in Newcastle with its wanton flouting of "rules-based-order" - and no dive in by Scotty or Border Force - a few mealy-mouthed words of how they should be smacked from Dominic - and where are the arrests? And what of Health Minister Greg? Or the A-G Michaelia? Sack gay teachers - but no words about paedophile-protecting Hillsong? Hypocrisy at every turn!

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Well now, I do believe I commented something along these lines a few(?) months ago. Really great to see the comments below! About like - how many people don't care about the governments' responses. Just think it's par for the course that some people don't do their jobs.

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Brilliant. Capture all there is to despise in him.

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All federal government stationary will now carry a picture of ScMo's smug smile. The back drop to Sky News, After Dark hate fest will have a rolling picture of his smug smile, wearing a variety of hats. Footie caps, hard hats, Akubra's, etc, to show he's a man of the people.

Now that Alan, I'm angry, Jones has been consigned to dust bin of history, a brighter star is about to burst on to what's left of the fourth estate. None other than that convicted criminal, and tabloid editor, Piers Morgan. Somehow a convicted criminal was able to obtain an American Genius Visa, which a criminal record should have excluded him from obtaining. It helps having Rupert's private phone number.

What I want to know is which one is ScoMo ? During the Talking In Tongues sessions, is he the babbler or the interpreter, apparently it's an actual thing, when you come back to earth, the interpretor tells you what your what divine revelations mean .

Now we know where Liberal Party policy comes from, apart from Sky News and the IPA.

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See what happens when you go on holidays, JB! What the fuck are we going to do if the colostomy bag gets back in???

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I see it now. Keith Talent is a senior Australian cabinet minister. Several of them, in fact.

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