I laughed out loud multiple times during this one, but especially at : "The deeply unnatural pairing of a squawking murder bird and a twenty-five-kilogram killing machine..." Birmo, your turn of phrase never fails to delight.
On a serious note, the public outrage about Molly being taken by The Department misses the bloody point as usual. …
I laughed out loud multiple times during this one, but especially at : "The deeply unnatural pairing of a squawking murder bird and a twenty-five-kilogram killing machine..." Birmo, your turn of phrase never fails to delight.
On a serious note, the public outrage about Molly being taken by The Department misses the bloody point as usual. Now that your average idiot has seen you can get a book deal and a viral global social media following by capturing or raising native wildlife, I fully expect all kinds of tragedies along said lines to occur. That is why we have strict rules about this stuff in the first place. Laws mostly aren't made to resrict the freedom of the sensible and respectful 80%, but for the stupid/greedy/careless/murderous/socipathic 20% who ruin everything for the rest of us.
I laughed out loud multiple times during this one, but especially at : "The deeply unnatural pairing of a squawking murder bird and a twenty-five-kilogram killing machine..." Birmo, your turn of phrase never fails to delight.
On a serious note, the public outrage about Molly being taken by The Department misses the bloody point as usual. Now that your average idiot has seen you can get a book deal and a viral global social media following by capturing or raising native wildlife, I fully expect all kinds of tragedies along said lines to occur. That is why we have strict rules about this stuff in the first place. Laws mostly aren't made to resrict the freedom of the sensible and respectful 80%, but for the stupid/greedy/careless/murderous/socipathic 20% who ruin everything for the rest of us.