Oh sure in the media its "A tale of love and companionship that crossed the boundaries of nature" but when a geneticist in lab tries to do it its all "Abomination" and "Crimes against nature" and "how did you get ethics clearance for this?"
I had to Google-check to see if this had really happened, lol.
I'm glad that we didn't have that kind of bureaucratic intervention when we had rescued a fledgling maggie about 20 years ago. The bird was free to come and go as it pleased, but it was also pleased by hopping up next to me and cuddling up under my chin. I missed it when it eventually joined the wildlings.
Just an hour or so ago I heard that the reunion is being stuffed up by the Dept hostage-takers with agreements and training for the humans and codicils that the young couple (the humans in the story) will not be permitted to make any money from the story! It's incredible what a mess has been made of a pet rescued as a fledgling having fallen from its nest! Only do-gooder "we know best" civil servants could make such a mess of things... I like your version of how it will turn out when the erstwhile animal friends are brought back together - having been separated for weeks and with an overlay whiff of bureaucrats making the bird an unknown to the canine. Crunch may very likely be that outcome!
I laughed out loud multiple times during this one, but especially at : "The deeply unnatural pairing of a squawking murder bird and a twenty-five-kilogram killing machine..." Birmo, your turn of phrase never fails to delight.
On a serious note, the public outrage about Molly being taken by The Department misses the bloody point as usual. Now that your average idiot has seen you can get a book deal and a viral global social media following by capturing or raising native wildlife, I fully expect all kinds of tragedies along said lines to occur. That is why we have strict rules about this stuff in the first place. Laws mostly aren't made to resrict the freedom of the sensible and respectful 80%, but for the stupid/greedy/careless/murderous/socipathic 20% who ruin everything for the rest of us.
Good to know, JB & thank you. But with all the shitfuckery going on in the world right now, my nerves are shot. Like, even I 'googled it'! And, as an example of the random spikes in the 24H-News-Cycle, this certainly takes the bloody biscuit.
Oh man, that is hilarious 😂
Oh sure in the media its "A tale of love and companionship that crossed the boundaries of nature" but when a geneticist in lab tries to do it its all "Abomination" and "Crimes against nature" and "how did you get ethics clearance for this?"
"Free Molly"
Hasty follow-up messages - no, not *that* kind of molly
“Online love fuss” could be my new OnlyFans name…
I had to Google-check to see if this had really happened, lol.
I'm glad that we didn't have that kind of bureaucratic intervention when we had rescued a fledgling maggie about 20 years ago. The bird was free to come and go as it pleased, but it was also pleased by hopping up next to me and cuddling up under my chin. I missed it when it eventually joined the wildlings.
Just an hour or so ago I heard that the reunion is being stuffed up by the Dept hostage-takers with agreements and training for the humans and codicils that the young couple (the humans in the story) will not be permitted to make any money from the story! It's incredible what a mess has been made of a pet rescued as a fledgling having fallen from its nest! Only do-gooder "we know best" civil servants could make such a mess of things... I like your version of how it will turn out when the erstwhile animal friends are brought back together - having been separated for weeks and with an overlay whiff of bureaucrats making the bird an unknown to the canine. Crunch may very likely be that outcome!
If the bureacratic twats had just left it alone, all would quetly go on but no...
This is why we can't have nice things.
I laughed out loud multiple times during this one, but especially at : "The deeply unnatural pairing of a squawking murder bird and a twenty-five-kilogram killing machine..." Birmo, your turn of phrase never fails to delight.
On a serious note, the public outrage about Molly being taken by The Department misses the bloody point as usual. Now that your average idiot has seen you can get a book deal and a viral global social media following by capturing or raising native wildlife, I fully expect all kinds of tragedies along said lines to occur. That is why we have strict rules about this stuff in the first place. Laws mostly aren't made to resrict the freedom of the sensible and respectful 80%, but for the stupid/greedy/careless/murderous/socipathic 20% who ruin everything for the rest of us.
First rule of political opportunism - when politicians get involved with an eye to the main chance, everything goes to shit.
Good morning. Are you still checking jbismymasternow email?
It should feed through to my general inbox, yes.
Sorry to be picky, but are you referring to the Gold Coast as the Deep North? Deep East would be more accurate.
Oi! As a Staffy owner I take offence at the framing of said dog as a 'killing machine'. They are, instead, big bundles of (muscular) love.
NOOOOOOOOOOO! Tell me it's not true! Totally spoiled my weekend. Totally confirmed my Lhasa Apsos' rules around not playing with one's food, though.
The bird is fine, Suzi.
Good to know, JB & thank you. But with all the shitfuckery going on in the world right now, my nerves are shot. Like, even I 'googled it'! And, as an example of the random spikes in the 24H-News-Cycle, this certainly takes the bloody biscuit.
Oh dear. You’re reading through the story thinking that’s not possible and there it is being absolutely possible.
What a rollick!.
I will be asking ChatGPT to rewrite all my corporate emails in a style that delivers a subtle homage to this Pulitzer Walkley worthy piece!!
Delightful as always ❤️