But I already have a nuclear (fusion) reactor. I keep it safely 150M km away and use modular photovoltaic and atmospheric technologies to tap as much energy as I need. Save your billions, Prince. Your country might have a better use for them.

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Keep the Coal Fires Burning,

While your lungs are yearning,

We must burn each wee black rock

Till the last one’s gone.

And there's a profit lining

In uranium refining,

Plus endless cost overruns

'Til the cows come home.

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"Your future government will significantly reduce your reliance on the sun, which is so often hidden these days behind giant windmills designed to kill all the birds for climate change."

Thankfully the feline work from home supervisors were nomming second breakfast while I cackled at this, and were not rudely awakened by my unauthorised frivolity. Also thankful I work from home and did not have to explain anything to office based coworkers.

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Wait…is this the same guy that provided all of that funky music under the name ‘Prince and the New Power Generation’? I always wondered what that meant and now I know! Sign me up!!

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I admit its a very low bar but I do appreciate that during much of the coverage of this farcical proposal in the media the term nuclear is pronounced correctly and not as I have often heard it pronounced by some from the USA.

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wait! - I thought nuclear was a cleaning product for my windshield?

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I don't understand why Pete is getting criticised for a lack of detail & science backup. He didn't need those details to poo ha the so-called Climate Change, but now it seems everybody is accepting "climate change", fer crise sake, so he has to go along with until voters come to their senses but he can at least propose a strawman alternative to (spew) renewable energy.

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' your future government ' 🤣🤣🤣 dutts wishes 🤣

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Heh! Best response to D’ttonu's BS I've seen this far! 😁

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Dear Prince D’ttonu,

I am not interested in a nuclear reactor but was wondering if you might not have some gas or coal mining infrastructure available for me to invest in. I mean, who doesn't enjoy the smell of methane in the air?

Yours faithfully,

Lord Albo of Orstraya.

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Mashed potatoes…

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I've never seen an Opposition leader take out a shotgun and blow both feet off, but Dutton has broken that streak. He didn't just shoot himself in the foot, he took it all the way and amputated them with pellets!

Nuclear is at least twice as expensive per GW as firmed renewables plus the wires to deliver them, and probably closer to 3x given the complete inability of any infrastructure project in Australia to come in on budget (except, surprisingly, wind and solar developments!). It has no social licence. We have no workforce to build and operate it. We have no spare capacity in the building sector to build the houses we need, let alone gigantic nuclear power plants. We have no long term nuclear waste storage (only one small country in the world does, 70 years into the technology's timeline). And "baseload" is a sham idea that does not fit the actual shape of electricity consumption. But even putting all of that aside, Dutton's plan is to replace 22GW of coal with 8GW of nuclear... what about the other 14GW?

I've never seen a brainfart rolled out as a major policy before, but credit to the COALition for this world first in complete fucking idiocy. it is of course simply a delaying tactic for their bosses in coal and gas. I've seen the IPA slides! https://thefifthestate.com.au/columns/columns-columns/the-nuclear-files/inside-the-nuclear-influence-machine/

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